Monday, February 7, 2011

Gipsee Introduces Interactive Food Allergy Analysis tool for Restaurant Websites

Aurora, Colorado (February 7, 2011)

Gipsee, Inc. (, today announced the availability of a new feature for restaurant websites that allows restaurant customers with food allergies to interactively explore their eating options.

Currently, most large restaurant chains post food allergy information on their websites for the benefit of their customers. Some chains post detailed ingredient information on their menu items while others post information that is analyzed according to the nine major allergen categories (as defined by the FDA). Customers with food allergies that wish to dine at these restaurants can visit the restaurant's website and browse through the posted information to find items may be safe for their consumption, based on their individualized food allergy restrictions or dietary preferences.  Most restaurant websites display this information in downloadable pdf formats. Some of the listings can be up to 40 pages long.

With Gipsee's new interactive system, called the AllerConnect System, a restaurant is provided with a web-link to be placed on their website. Upon clicking the AllerConnect link, the restaurant's customers are prompted to enter their individualized food allergies or restrictions. The system then presents the customer with information on menu items that may be safe for consumption, safe for consumption with allowed modifications, or not safe for consumption.

Depending on the restaurant, a customer can select from hundreds of choices of potential allergens or food-preferences to produce a customized menu listing.

"Given the combination and complexity with which most food allergies present themselves, it is not an easy task for a person with food allergies to figure out items that they can eat," says Dilip Chopra, co-founder of Gipsee. "People are looking for information that is relevant without having to browse through a multitude of  pages with static information. This is especially important when they are about to make a decision about eating."

"Gipsee introduces an interactive element to the process of obtaining applicable information," says Atul Ahuja, also a Gipsee co-founder. "The allergen information presented by restaurants on their websites is definitely not 'one size fits all'. It needs to be extracted to fit unique individual needs. Gipsee automates this extraction process."

Ahuja cites an example of the recently released allergen listing by a popular restaurant chain, The Cheesecake Factory. "It is a well prepared allergen document that is approximately twenty-two pages long with very good information. By entering allergy preferences of milk, eggs, almonds, and certain beans, the Gipsee AllerConnect system produced a listing of five pages of menu options that are applicable. The system reduces the frustration of manually going through each item listed to see if it is safe for consumption."

Restaurants that decide to subscribe to Gipsee's AllerConnect system for their websites can also choose to have the system installed on their physical premises to accommodate similar needs of customers while inside the restaurant premises.

Restaurants that subscribe to the AllerConnect system would also be able to list their restaurant menus on Gipsee's soon to be launched location based mobile app

For more information, please contact Gipsee at:

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